On this week's Bill Caskey Podcast, I am on the road. But that won't stop from getting this podcast to you!
This topic from a recent call I had with my 2X Mastermind Group and one of the members was talking about how his territory was too large for him to get to everyone and he needed help.
I gave him some advice that I think really shocked him and that was he needed to shift his mind and action from his limited physical self to an unlimited DIGITAL self. He needed to start producing content online for his clients and prospects.
Maybe it's time for you to do the same! I'll give you some ways to get started right away.
If you want to learn more about the 2X Group, go to https://the2xgroup.com.
Do you have a creative outlet? I know what you're thinking, "I'm not the creative type." Well, I believe we all have a creative side and I also believe we need to drastically improve it.
We are always hearing about, content marketing this and content marketing that. We need to create content just for us. Something that we can use as an outlet for our own ideas.
On this week's Bill Caskey Podcast, I'll give you ways you can begin creating your own Creative Outlet. NO EXCUSES!!
This is part 2 of my 2 part interview with Jason Leister. Jason is a business & marketing expert. You can find out more about him at incomparableexpert.org and be sure to subscribe to his newsletter!