Are your destructive habits costing you?
On this episode of The 2X Podcast, Bill discusses 7 habits that can be detrimental to the sales process. If you are struggling in your business, it might be because of one of these habits.
These habits are often overlooked, but once you realize and correct them you will find motivation.
If you like this episode, be sure to share your comments on Twitter with the #2Xlessons
Bill recently had a coaching client reach out to discuss an issue she was having. She has consistently been at the top of her sales team and just had her best year ever in 2018. The issue she is having is that she can't seem to get back her motivation or energy to make 2019 even better.
After talking with her, Bill realized that there was a deeper level issue going on and he needed to uncover what was really going on.
On this 2X Podcast, Bill gives you some ways you can regain your Motivation, Energy and rethink how you spend your time.
If you like this episode, be sure to share your comments on Twitter with the #2Xlessons
On this episode of The 2X Podcast, Bill gives some ideas on how you can become Journey Minded in the sales process. This is how you take your prospect from here (where they are) to there (where they want to be).
In a world where prospects are demanding more and different, it's really easy to become obscure and irrelevant as a sales professional. That's why it's so important to constantly be adapting to change.
One of the biggest areas people struggle in is how they see themselves in the customer journey.
If you like this episode, be sure to share your comments on Twitter with the #2Xlessons